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The world is shifting fast. What seems right today, may not be the answer tomorrow. We operate with curiosity and openness. We lead and follow at the same time. We are designing the Festival together with the community – starting from its foundation, continued by meet-ups, all the way to the construction of ticketing. Seeing the co-creation process is an experience in emergence itself. What we have learned so far is…we will always be at the beginning of the road.



Sometimes known as a win-win situation, abundance describes an underlying belief that there is enough in the world: time, wisdom, people, ideas, true needs, and money. It rephrases the game we play from “the less I give you, the more I’ll have” into one where the smartest thing is to organise in a way where everyone can share, benefit, and grow. Taking it one step further, we create with a win-win-win in mind, where social good is considered as an intrinsic stakeholder.



This whole venture is an exercise in trust. A huge leap of faith. The Festival, the new leadership, the whole paradigm. There are and will be some organisations and leaders doing it the old way, and yes, some will succeed. By doing the NEW, we will make mistakes. We will stumble and fall while the world is watching. Sometimes we will think to ourselves that we should have known better or stayed at home. But for us, there is no way back. We choose to take the risk, seize the day, and find out something no-one else knows. We gather as a community, to be stronger than turmoil and build relationships that will endure any storm.


Love and Joy

As simple as it sounds, if you do not practice self-love and love those around you, your work, and your life, it might be hard for you to create a positive change in the world. We choose love as the driving force, the underlying intention of all our actions. Because you know what? We need to laugh more. Relax, dance, shake our bodies, jump, be silly and goofy. Innovation, deep connections, and great stories – this is where they are born. We are making sure we provide plenty of space for love and joy. We want your positive freak to get out into the open!



We see that our responsibility is not to seduce you with enticing visions of paradise, quick fixes, and “one-size-fits-all” solutions. This is why we deliver prototypes of the NEW, which organisations experience in all their complexity (read: messiness). We leave the subjective sense-making to you. Each of us will hear something else in the story being told. This is important. The decoding and consequences you will take away for your business are all yours to craft.



We create the Festival with a conscious intention to invite & offer diversity. From the first edition on our crowd was deeply diverse, where it comes to walks of life people take, where they put their energy & who their immediate ecosystems are. We want to grow in the diversity that builds & creates us, to understand deeper how privilege works & to be able to - in an aspirational future - work in service of all.

The methodologies, tools & interventions we bring into the space feed from diverse sources and we know this sometimes irritates. But we also know: we do not yet have THE path, that will get us to the new, so we are happy to search for the cracks wherever we might find them.






  • PARTICIPANTS - welcoming, holding, following-up. Hold a circle of time and relationships. Community wellness. Sebastian, Maja

  • BACKERS & SUPPORTERS - provide philanthropic gifts (cash and in-kind) to support resources the festival needs Karo, Sebastian, Isa, Christoph 

  • LSF Collective - taking care of a free flow of energies in the team, making sure we all grow in our collaboration in fields that are important for us. Maja, Karolina

  • Guardian /  Holder of the LSF collective

  • CO-CREATING TEAM - aligning purpose of team members with LSF20 purpose & being a guardian of possible synergies Karo, Sebastian, Maja, Lea, Christoph, Isa



  • EXPERIENCE - delivering an experience that will allow us as an ecosystem move towards our purpose. Karolina, Sebastian,Christoph, Sonja, Lea (in email loop)

  • COMMUNICATION / SOCIAL MEDIA & WEB PAGE - making sure all who should hear about the event have easy access to all the information they might need. Creating content that contributes quality first. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (moving beyond Family, Friends and Freaks) Maja, Lea, Karo

  • VISUAL IDENTITY - creating a visual online & offline representation of & during LSF20 enlivening our purpose, bringing beauty, inspiration & light into the world Karolina, Sebastian, Lea 



  • (In times that are not online) VENUE & CATERING - taking care of us having a place to meet, that will allow us to focus and will not distract us, a place that will support our effort. Providing food, that will be more than just feeding the stomachs. Default veg. Sebastian, Karo

  • BEAUTY - creating transformative spaces, that invite deep listening and collective action, whenever we meet Karolina, Lea, Sebastian 

  • LOGISTICS - getting all we need “there” & delivering it back Sebastian, Christoph



  • FINANCES / BUDGET - securing a positive flow of financial resources towards the event and our purpose; managing risk and preparing mechanisms that adjust the Festival to fit with available funds “pay it forward”. Karolina, Sebastian, Lea, Maja

  • TICKETS - providing participants with an easy way to contribute financially to the event (eg. not only to THEIR participation, but to the event happening and having a positive resource flow & results). Creating ticket policy (youth tickets, a sliding scale / pay-it-forward tickets) Maja, Lea, Karo

©2020 Leadership Festival


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